For the day clinic service, a patient stays in the center from 11:00 until 18:00. The treatment process is complex and includes selecting the medication for intensive care, daily monitoring and psychotherapy, and art-therapy, when necessary, consultation by different medical specialists. The center provides worm and cozy atmosphere for relaxation, where visitors can spend time in a pleasant way.

Patients’ treatment is a continual process, for which the doctor tries to provide exclusive, individually selected and highly effective treatment for each patient.

Day Clinic is a common form of treatment worldwide: Jons Hopkins Day Programm; Max Planck Institute day clinic; Helix psychiatric day hospital;  Melbourne ClinicColumbia Day Program; New Farm Clinic.

The advantage of the above-mentioned service is receiving intensive and complex hospital treatment without the obligation to stay in the center at night. Thus the service is just as comfortable as the outpatient service.

Day clinic is often used:
  • When there is no necessity of inpatient treatment but outpatient treatment is not effective enough
  • In the initial phase of treatment, when it is recommended to promptly but thoroughly assess the condition of a patient, monitor intensively, adapt medication and provide psychotherapeutic service
  • In case of acute conditions, when despite ongoing treatment or due to abandoning medication outpatient service is less effective
  • To overcome the resistance to treatment or in case of outpatient service proving ineffective